Transnational Project Meeting – WSB Poland – time for LESSONS LEARNED

An inseparable part of each project is (or at least should be), the project review and retrospective. Thus, LSP 4 Employability Project Participants met in Poland to collect insights and draw conclusions which are as follows (in a nutshell):
·       The needs of employers regarding language education need to be inarguably taken into consideration by HEI language teachers
·       E-learning tools give numerous possibilities for teachers and students but more attention should be paid to boosting learners’ motivation
·       International collaboration gives a chance to look at the same problems form different perspectives

An additional value was added to the meeting through organizing a Design Thinking Jam which led to creating ideas for language education for the future.

The participants also visited Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu , especially the studio where e-learning materials are recorded (Centre for Modern Teaching Technologies) and robotics laboratories.
If you are interested in using LSP materials for English lessons targeting at employability and Design Thinking, see our course: